Griljerad Skinka
DATUM: 2014-05-31 -
TID: 15:59:00 -
I köket,
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För några veckor sen köpte Daniel en helgskinka som han var sugen på att griljera. En annan som inte tycker att skinka är gott ens på jul och påsk förstod inte alls detta?! Nu låg denna skinka dock i kylskåpet och skrek om att den ville ätas upp, med ett datum som gått ut för.. låt oss säga x antal dagar sen. Sagt och gjort, skinkan såg bra ut, luktade bra och kändes bra så nu har han stått och griljerat den och den gick ner fint tillsammans med hemlagat rotmos, mums! Första hemgriljerade skinkan - och fler gånger blir det!
A few weeks ago Daniel decided he wanted to make his own "baked-ham" and bought a boneless piece of ham. I'm not a big fan of either christmas ham or easter ham so I left him to deal with it. Coming to that point where the ham was still in the fridge, now screaming to be eaten becuase it passed the "eat before" date a while ago. Well, it still smelled and look good so Daniel took the chance to make it today and got a nice taste of mustard and chili to it, served with mashed potatoes I had nothing to complain about! First time making our own baked ham - not the last!
A few weeks ago Daniel decided he wanted to make his own "baked-ham" and bought a boneless piece of ham. I'm not a big fan of either christmas ham or easter ham so I left him to deal with it. Coming to that point where the ham was still in the fridge, now screaming to be eaten becuase it passed the "eat before" date a while ago. Well, it still smelled and look good so Daniel took the chance to make it today and got a nice taste of mustard and chili to it, served with mashed potatoes I had nothing to complain about! First time making our own baked ham - not the last!